portrait of marktony

Hello 👋

I am Marktony, a Junior full-stack web developer with experience in customer relationship management, business development, and banking. Focused on providing solutions, prioritizing business goals and enhancing customer service and experience.



I am a certified web developer

To demonstrate my grasp of cutting-edge IT technologies and their applications, I completed many SPA and PWA apps employing technology stacks such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and others. This includes creation of a Native Chat App, as well as a Full-Stack Project using the MERN/MEAN stack.


I enjoy work collaboration within a team setting

I enjoy developing and putting new ideas into practice with other people. My seven years of experience in banking, business development, and customer relationship management have inspired me to adopt a user-first viewpoint and pursue practical solutions to actualising these viewpoints.


I am always eager to learn new things.

I have a tendency for acquiring and learning new abilities, which has allowed me to advance and adapt in several sectors of experience.



My educational background makes it easier for me to independently look for and assess information, in order to continually find the necessary answers to overcome technological obstacles. This makes me very research-oriented and effective with respect to problem solving..


Free time

I love gaming and i am also a very good football player "maybe i should have gone pro 🤔"


screenshot of myflix movie list screen

MyFlix Movie App

A web app that provides users with access to information about movies, directors, and genres. Users can sign up, update personal data, and create a list of favourites. Server-side and client-side were developed using the MERN/MEAN stack.


Using Node.js and Express, I developed a Restful API that communicates with a non-relational database (MongoDB). I also used well known HTTP methods such as GET or POST to access the API. Finally I employed the CRUD techniques to obtain and save data in the database. The API then returns a JSON-formatted movie information when called upon.

To test the API, I used Postman. I also included user authentication and authorization code in the form of basic HTTP authentication and JWT authentication.


After completing the API, I started to build the interface users would need when making requests to, and receiving responses from, the server-side. It is a single-page, responsive application, developed with React and React-Redux. It provides several interface views, including, but not limited to, a main view (shows a list of all movies), single movie view (shows data about a single movie and allows users to add the movie to their list of favorites), a login view, a registration view and a profile view (where users can update their user data and list of favorites).


This was both my favorite and most challenging project. I have enjoyed building the API and working with database structures. I also quickly became familiar with using the terminal. Developing the client-side, it took me a while to understand how React and Redux work and how to achieve the desired results. But with the help of my great tutor and after a pair-programming session with an experienced developer, I could conquer that mountain.

screenshot of meetup start screen

Meetup App

A serverless, progressive web app (PWA) built with React using a test-driven development technique (TDD). The app uses the Meetup API to fetch upcoming events for a selected city, and OAuth2 authentication flow. For the authorization server it uses AWS Lambda. Alerts for users are created by using an OOP approach. A service worker allows the app to work offline. The recharts library is used to visualize data with a scatter graph and a pie chart.

screenshot of custom todo list screen

Todo App

This is a small web application that allows users to add items to a list, cross out items, delete items and rearrange the items on the list.

screenshot of pokedex list with open modal

Pokedex App

a simple online application created with the Bootstrap framework, HTML, CSS, jQuery, and Javascript. A pokemon collection that is loaded from an external API may be searched by users. A modal may be opened by clicking on a pokemon's name to show more information. Code formatting has been done in accordance with ESLint guidelines.

screenshot of chat app screen

Chat App

The aim of this project is to build a chat app for mobile devices using React Native. The app provides users with a chat interface and options to share images and also their location.

screenshot of fighting

Fighting game(2d)

A personal basic 2d fighting game ("because i love games"). The application presents users with players (fighters) to show their sword-slashing skills. It uses majorly javascript for the UI layout and would be upscaled using either react or Angular (COMING SOON !!!).



Holdenweg, 45143 Essen

Call me:

+49 176 34527888

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